I personally am encouraged spiritually that Barack has been nominated by his party.
We as Americans have sinned greatly in how we have treated each other in this country. In fact, we still do. I am encouraged by the fact that this can let many who are hurt, angry, and discouraged by this sin have some encouragement that things can get better.
I personally have a hard time seeing myself voting for Barack because of my disappointment with his stances on policy. I wish that he "thought" differently on many issues. But I am encouraged nonetheless that we as a nation are willing to consider someone who looks like Barack as fit to run our land. For that I rejoice.
What are your feelings about Barack Obama being nominated to run for the presidency of the United States?
Hey, Kevin
You saw my thoughts over on Chris' blog...
Let me add here that we're long overdue for a viable black candidate and indeed a black president. And someone who believes in dialogue and healing is simply amazing.
But Obama is not the man. I don't doubt that he wants dialogue and healing, but as I mentioned, his politics and policies are simply awful.
For all the damage W has done to our international credibility, O will do much more to our viability as a free republic.
I know that sounds really, really harsh, but he's a far-left, big-government liberal in an age where "tolerance" and "pluralism" are being shoved down everyone's throats and where the average American can't even define "socialism".
He will push big changes, alright, but when they come I really believe a lot of Christians (and others) are going to wish they hadn't voted for him.
A free-market, small government free republic will suffer under an Obama presidency. We're going to look a lot more like Canada if he has his way...
I think it excites me. When I'm in my history nerd frame of mind it astounds me and produces a gloating chuckle when I think of all the Americans through the ages who would be appalled that we have reached this day!
I read the post you linked to and the comments on it. I understood both sides, but I think I resonated more with those who were basically saying, "can't we just celebrate this?" And I think voting for him "because" of race cannot necessarily be equated with racism, as some of the comments tried to do. Anyway, I will not vote for him, but I would be very intrigued to see what his presidency would look like.
Thanks Steve and Jesse,
I am definately with you Steve in agreeing that voting for Obama is basically out of the picture because of his policy, but I still feel good about the fact that his race was not a big enough issue to keep him from being a viable candidate.
I too will be curious to see how much race is made an issue in the general election. Overtly and covertly. It will be there, but it may be mainly below the surface.
I too am glad for the nomination. It is a milestone!
There are more comments at Chris Brooks blog on Obama
But some good stuff here.
Did George Bush meet your standards (in your eyes, at the time), if you voted for him? If so -- did he meet your standards now, and if not, what went wrong?
Would John McCain fight for the issues that we care about? And even if he did, woul he truly be able to win that fight?
I don't agree with Obama on certain policies either, but i feel our voice can be heard in his administration, and that we won't get the cloak & dagger & behind-the-back stuff we saw out of Karl Rove, DIck Cheney, etc. (we'll have to wait & see for sure -- see who Obama has around him)
And let's not forget -- Congress is a strong piece of this puzzle. The President can't lead unless he convinces COngress (at least a majority) to go along. So we have more than just one person to blame.
I would encourage voting for a third party candidate if you must...show that you don't agree with the 2 parties as they stand.
Oh -- to answer Steve's thoughts...
i think people are turning to such liberalism because the free market -- and the church -- have failed, and i certainly don't put much trust in "the market" saving us.
Illegal immigration is encouraged by lawbreakers who live out the worst side of free marketism.
What's the stats on percentage of giving? Pretty small, right? What if we factored out Christians who actually tithe, and extraordinary cases like Bill Gates & Warren Buffet (who are giving away much of their fortunes)? How much giving is really happening by the free market? i don't think it would be enough to give them the benefit of the doubt.
The free market has failed?
I know we are off the specific topic, but that is fine.
I too would question the idea that the free market has failed. I would admit that it has its downside, but it seems to be pretty productive overall.
Maybe you are suggesting that the free market has failed to deal with issues of injustice and poverty. That may have some validity, but to say that it is a complete failure I think that I would question that.
Man, Kevin - the Pure Church blog rocks!
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