It is very disappointing to me that U.S. citizens would participate in this total disrespect of the office of the presidency. Other nations around the would must sit back and laugh at how we have shamed ourselves. We are a nation that lacks respect for authority. We lack respect for our history. We lack respect for the position of leadership that is the presidency of the United States. It is one thing to respectfully disagree with decisions and policies. It is quite another thing to disrespect authority.
I think that this attitude will continue no matter who is leading. People no longer have a basic respect for authority. Our generation seems to have little concern for respectfully disagreeing.
To what extent should we respect the authorities that God has placed over us?
(Parents, teachers, boss, police, government, pastors, etc.)
I completely agree with you! I am ashamed and discouraged that Americans support and take part in such a disrespectful act.
I am not a huge fan of President Bush, but I believe that he, like any other person, deserves respect. It is my desire to teach my children that respect means responding with words and actions that show others they are important.
Unfortunately, this is yet another reminder that the media and culture of our day often goes against the virtues we are working hard to instill at home.
"To what extent should we respect the authorities that God has placed over us?"
You leave us with a great question. However I fear that many in the Christian culture do not seriously address the ethics of pluralism and the overwhelming influence of the politically correct movement. Conservatives seem to write off those with contrary perspectives and conclude that they are simply wrong.
Until we take the rhetoricians of those movements much more seriously those popular cultural power brokers will maintain their power over the masses - a power that successive persuades that disrespect of traditional authority is progressively cool and the intelligent thing to do.
Steve Nelson
I agree that there is a culture of disrespect. Even many people who lament it are themselves pretty selective in who or what they must respect. For instance, there are plenty of people who won't like this movie but had some pretty derogatory things to say about our last president. It cuts both ways. But overall, as you're pointing out, this movie is a symptom of a larger cultural malady. I mean, we have a really strange culture! For instance, in most traditional cultures, age brings increased respect. Here, age brings the fear of irrelevance. We want to reinvent the wheel every generation and we love to slander our leaders while sitting back without any of their responsibility. Messed up.
It is a good reminder to faithfully and consistently train our children.
I think you are so right that we need to actively engage this cultural onslaught with intelligent and well reasoned dialogue and not just shallow stone throwing.
I think it is a big part of the point in the way that we treat our elders in our country. Age for us is not considered wisdom and experience any more. It is often thought of as caught in an old way of thinking that doesn't relate to today.
So how do we switch the tide and help return to a value of respect for authority and a value of the wisdom that comes from age and experience?
I feel like you and I are often on the same page but I have to say that I am not that angry at something like this.
Not because it isn't wrong but because of the hypocrisy I see when dealing with this type of thing.
There have been countless media jabs at say someone like Bill Clinton. And no one is trying to refute that or cause us to think about the implications of doing something like that.
Now I am not saying that it is right but I just think it often boils down to someones political allegiance rather than there hate for a lack of respect for their "elders."
So yes to disrespect Bush in this way probably isn't the best way (all though i haven't seen the movie so I will reserve judgement until then)but it comes with the territory. When you are president you are at the end of a lot of jokes and movies area based upon your life and books (both good and bad) are written about you.
Bill Clinton is still made fun of in conservative circles all the time and no one is standing up saying...
"Hey God allowed Bill Clinton into office and we should respect our leaders and our elders."
I have never heard that but when you bring up Bush conservatives then bring up the bible and talk about respect toward elders and our leaders. (Romans 14)
You understand where I am going with this?
One more thing...
One of my friends (Joel) over on my blog asked you a question about what you posted.
I tried to answer for you but I told him you would be better at it obviously. Anyway it is in the comment section under the City of God Part 2 post.
I guess, I know that it is part of being in the spotlight and have never had much trouble enjoying the SNL skits and the Late Show monologues, but this seems different. To make a full feature movie about someones life story to portray them in a negative light seems a bit over the top. Especially when that person is still the leader of the nation. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems to be way over the top for me.
Thanks for the push back though Aaron, I appreciate that.
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