Eight time all-star Allen Iverson was traded today to the Detroit Pistions for Chauncy Billups and Antonio McDyess. This seems like a risky move by the Pistons to me considering they won 59 games last year and barely missed the NBA Finals.
What do you think?
They needed a shake up. It will be a good trade if they can get McDyess back (Chris & I both love him). I liked watching Billups, but with the emergence of Stuckey, I think we should still be well-placed. It is a risky move and surprising this close to the beginning of the season, but Joe Dumars has been known to take calculated risks, some of which have panned out and some that haven't (Darko, anyone?).
So will Rip or AI start?
We think both -- AI playing the point and Hamilton playing 2 guard. Stuckey will be a more than adequate reserve for either of them. It will be interesting to see how and if he changes the culture of the team. I hope that he fits in because they have a pretty tight culture as it is.
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