Monday, October 12, 2009

ABC 7 News Chicago Features Friday Night Lights

This news story was featured several months ago. It reminds us of the need for the church to continue to be creative in promoting a culture of peace.

I thank God for my good friend Chris Butler and the leadership that he is offering to promote peace in our city.

What do you think the church's role should be in promoting peace?


Steffon said...

Mark Galli in Christianity today said, "In short, we frame the problem horizantally. We focus on what we fail to and then talk about what we should do differently. To be fair, such solutions often start with a strong vertical dimensions: that is, a sense that we can address the horizantal only by first looking to God."

Any role that we have in peace, I hope it is from an overflow of being connected to a God who gives peace. When we become peaceful in our homes, churches, and other life context, we are promoting peace. People will be attracted to our peace. Our role should be to promote peace by living peaceful.

His Life Today,

KG said...

Yes, I agree that we are to be models of peace in our lives, families, churches, etc.

Is this enough or is there a role for the church in publicly promoting peace?

KG said...
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