Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Blind Side

I recently saw the very popular movie The Blind Side.  I must admit that it was a very intriguing story.  But the whole thing left me a bit unsettled.

In summary, the movie is about a family who takes in a young man who is a ward of the state.  They offer him a home and eventually adopt him into their family.  The compassion that is modeled is compelling.  Their actions are portrayed as flowing from their faith since faith is shown as central to the family and their kids attend a Christian school.  The young man eventually gets a college scholarship to play football and is now in the NFL.

But the movie also left me asking a lot of questions that are still quite unsettling to me.

Was this man's dignity stripped of him in showing his story on the big screen?
Why was the movie's  portrayal of the mom in the story as the type of white woman that makes black people not trust white people?
Why does Micheal Oher, who the movie is about, say that he has no interest in seeing the movie?
Does this really model loving one's neighbor?

I also thought:   If I was black....
Would I have any interest in seeing this movie?
Would this movie seem insulting to me?
Would this movie give me a negative feeling about white people?

I'm not saying that the family who opened their home to Micheal did something wrong, but making a movie about this young man's story really unsettled me.

Any one else see the movie?  Thoughts?  Reactions?


Rachel Monfette said...

I had some similar thoughts after seeing the movie...
At the end, it left me wondering if it was as dignifying to my black friends as it was inspirational to my white friends.

It also made me wonder if it would have been such a hit if the man decided to be a burger flipper instead of a football player even though the family's actions would have been the same.

I will say this... I loved that the dad was involved in this movie. Certainly not as much as the mom, but I loved that he was present in the lives of all the kids. So glad to see stronger men emerging in movies lately.

Kimberly Cordell said...

The movie was a positive inspiration to me. The potential of so many young people is lost due to poverty and neglect. Christians have a responsibility to serve others without fear. We let black and white issues cloud our thinking and suppress our Christian call to help others. it is easy to find excuses not to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and visit those in prison. We must do those things knowing that others will find fault. Many found fault with Jesus. Do you want to tell me that he could have done better?

KG said...

Thank you for your thoughts. Didn't know if I was the only one who felt a bit uncomfortable with the way the movie was portrayed.

KG said...

Thank you for your input. I'm glad that this movie was inspirational to you. I have run into so many people who found it to be wonderful and inspiring.

Like I said in my post, I too am glad to see a family putting their faith into action.

I guess I was most unsettled about the fact how it portrayed people. I was asking why Micheal Oher has no interest in seeing the movie. I was asking if this movie would appeal to black people or only whites.

There is so often things in the media that are inspiring to our dominant race while at the same time exploiting and degrading other races. This felt a bit like that and I am wondering if others experienced any of that feeling.

Again, thank you for commenting. Although I don't know you, I appreciate your imput and sharing your experience.

Grace and peace.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Good idea, but will this really work?